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Liss Fain Dance is taking our installation work in a new direction with
Help us make this very personal and very different piece.

Liss Fain's memories of a friendship from decades ago, frozen in time and kept vivid by letters, makes I Don’t Know and Never Will the most personal work she has made. Written without editing or premeditation, with immediacy and forthrightness, the letters juxtapose descriptions, observations and feelings so acutely that you can see, feel, hear and smell it all when they're read.

I've lost touch with him. I want to know who he is now. I pick up a very old thread and wrote to him, but he hasn't replied.

The smell of damp earth and leaves fills ODC Theater. Tactile and not quite recognizable objects gradually collect in one of the three performance areas. Speaking excerpts of the letters, actor Val Sinckler inhabits the installation alongside the dancers (Jeremiah Crank, Sonja Dale, Megan Kurashige, Shannon Kurashige, Sarah Woods-LaDue). Three musicians play a commissioned score by percussionist Jordan Glenn from platforms placed over the theater seats. The world of these letters is made complete by Matthew Antaky’s installation design and Mary Domenico’s costumes.

An installation in the lobby of ODC Theater invites people to write an anonymous letter to the prompt: Write to someone about something you wish you had done and didn’t do. During the piece, Val will read excerpts of these letters and the musicians and dancers will improvise to them.

I Don’t Know and Never Will premieres at ODC Theater March 1-3.
Your tax-deductible contributions and engagement matter.
Please help us meet our fundraising goal of $15,000.

Support one dancer for a day: $84
Support one dancer for a week: $420
Buy one costume: $500
Rent rehearsal studio for a week: $700
Help commission the score: $4,000
Help design/build the installation: $5,000


Make your check payable to "Liss Fain Dance," put "donation" on the memo line, and mail to:
Liss Fain Dance, 26 Seventh Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103.


Does your employer match your charitable contributions? Your gift to Liss Fain Dance may be doubled or even tripled if your company matches your contribution. Check with your employer's human resource department for more information or for an official matching gift form.

Liss Fain Dance is a non-profit, 501(c)(3)corporation. Your contributions to Liss Fain Dance are fully tax-deductible. Contributors (unless you choose to remain anonymous) will receive name recognition on performance programs and other printed materials. For more information, please contact Projects Manager Megan Kurashige at

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I Don't Know and Never Will
ODC Theater
March 1-3, 2018

Choreography & Direction: Liss Fain
Dancers: Jeremiah Crank, Sonja Dale, Megan Kurashige, Shannon Kurashige, Sarah Dionne Woods-LaDue
Installation: Matthew Antaky
Costumes: Mary Domenico
Actor: Val Sinckler
Composer: Jordan Glenn
Musicians: Nava Dunkelman, Jordan Glenn, Jacob Felix Heule